I would like to make a comment: Vince McMahon is a genius. He has rebounded once again from adversity! He has taken his company into his own bare hands, with Brisco, Patterson, etc. I bet people think he is digging deep actually doing this, but I think he always wanted something like this, and this was his perfect chance to do it. His dad probably never let him wrestle, just announce. Hey, and if I'm not mistaken, the ratings are showing the difference! The Undertaker is back and won't seem to die down, seems he'll always be popular. The WWF is hot again!
People thought the WWF was in dire straits after Bret Hart left. I was befuddled too, but I apologize for doubting you, Vince. Bret who? Just a crybaby. Tell me, who in this world doesn't want respect? Geeez...
As I check the wrestling headlines daily, I have come across a fellow known as 'Big Donny' writing for TSN and SLAM! I personally think he is just out to complain about anything going. I also think someone should run a spellcheck before uploading the columns.
As you can tell, I'm a pro-WWFer for life, and would love to give an editorial someday on the side. Keep your fingers crossed!! And gimme a HELL YEAH!!
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