Alot of people think that need Microsoft Central to establish a web page or site. Not the case. What you really need is time. So much time that your girlfriend rolls her eyes when you turn on your computer...Here's what I suggest you need to get into it, even if you don't have a computer yet:
A half decent workstation that runs at least a 486 processor to
get you wired and going. A Pentium would be nice, but these days a 486 could cost
you less than a night out, so think about it. You'll need some random access memory
to work with files and the like. I suggest 32MB of RAM as a good addition to your
unit, along with the rest.
Now, you have the computer: what the heck now?? As my good friend Gord once told me, and I use his voice, "if you don't have the interrrnet, you arrre only using five perrrrcent of your system, don't waste it!!" As you can tell, he rolls his R's, but that's the best advice I ever got. You now have to make a connection to transfer and receive digital files, you need a MODEM!!
Like everything else, there are tons of different types of
modems, slow ones, fast ones, faster ones, you name it. An average modem will cost
you about $90, transmitting 33600bps, or 33.6k. Next, decide whether you want to
connect your modem to your existing phoneline or to invest in a 2nd line. I suggest
toughing it out on one line, it's cheaper and you can make excuses to stay up late to use
the net not to tie up the line during prime time.....
You now need some software. Assuming you run a PC on Windows 95, take some down-home advice pal: I have downloaded and tried tons of sharewares, demos, the whole bit, only to discover that they are no different and more importantly clog up your system. This cost me a near super-crash a few weeks back, so I downsized and kept the essentials. If you just stick to the following, you'll be fine:
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