Creating sitemap files for GeoNetwork
Sitemaps are a valuable way to index your content for web crawlers. GeoNetwork is a great tool for metadata management and a portal environment for discovery. I wanted to push out all metadata resources out as a sitemap so that content can be found by web crawlers. Python to the rescue:
import MySQLdb
# connect to db
db=MySQLdb.connection(host='', user='foo',passwd='foo',db='geonetwork')
# print out XML header
print """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="">""" # fetch all metadata
db.query("""select id, schemaId, changeDate from Metadata where isTemplate = 'n'""")
r = db.store_result() for row in r.fetch_row(0): # write out a url element
if row[1] == 'fgdc-std':
url = ''
if row[1] == 'iso19139':
url = '' print """ <url>
</url>""" % (url, row[0], row[2], row[1])
print '</urlset>'
Done! It would be great if this were an out-of-the-box feature of GeoNetwork.
links for 2009-04-17 « j03lar50n’s Blog said,
Wrote on April 17, 2009 @ 19:31:45
[…] Creating sitemap files for GeoNetwork « tommy’s scratchpad (tags: web) […]
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