I heart this WMS
I’ve written my share of catalogues, Capabilities parsers, map clients, and context import/export tools to know that having good example WMS instances is paramount in testing functionality and building features. I usually have a handy list of WMS servers which I constantly use when writing code.
Bird Studies Canada provides WMS access to their various bird distribution and abundance data. BSC has taken every effort to:
- populate their Capabilities metadata exhaustively. Title, abstract, keywords, and even MetadataURL pointers to FGDC XML documents for all layers. And _full_ service provider metadata (including Attribution, which is great for displaying Logo images, etc.)
- return GetFeatureInfo in both GML and HTML for prettier responses
This WMS is always at the top of my testing list, as well as my first response when people ask to see an existing WMS example which is well constructed, and serves catalogues and search demos very well indeed.
Kudos to BSC!
Benjamin Chartier said,
Wrote on September 28, 2008 @ 02:43:25
Thanks for this tip. Bird Studies Canada WMS seems to be a great WMS 1.1.1 implementation (from the capabilities perspective). For those who are interested in a WMS 1.3.0 good example I would suggest this one: NASA Earth Observations (NEO) WMS (http://neowms.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/wms/wms?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities). It implements WMS 1.1.1 as well and its layers structure is a bit more complex than Bird Studies Canada one.
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