FOSS4G History
Mateusz posted a link to an interesting topic on osgeo-discuss. I think it’s a great idea to document the history of geospatial and open source, and I echo Dave’s comments on how Wikipedia would be an ideal home for documentation and maintenance.
Perhaps the best way to go about this would be for the various projects on Wikipedia (MapServer, GDAL, GeoTools, GRASS, etc.) to document their respective histories, and allow the main Wikipedia OSGeo page to link to them accordingly.
Thoughts? Are there better alternatives than Wikipedia? Should projects document history on their own respective websites, which Wikipedia then references
Mateusz Loskot said,
Wrote on August 22, 2008 @ 04:47:08
Tom, I concur with you that best would be to document history of each project on their on websites/Wikipedia pages. At least, as a list of milestones. Then a summary could be compiled on a separate page.
I have to admit it took me substantial time to collect all these dates I posted to the list 🙂
Posted fromMozilla Firefox 3.0.1 Mac OS X 10
Mateusz Loskot said,
Wrote on August 22, 2008 @ 04:49:16
Off-topic, re “Posted from Russian Federation”. This is good one, hehe
In fact, I’m writing from Poland, from here exactly on GMaps.
Posted fromMozilla Firefox 3.0.1 Mac OS X 10
tomkralidis said,
Wrote on January 4, 2009 @ 22:49:14
Just updated the iptocountry table for the lookups. Looks like you’re properly represented now 🙂
Posted fromMozilla Firefox 3.0.5 Mac OS X 10