You Stay Classy San Diego
(That’s a quote from the movie “Anchorman” 🙂 )
I’m in San Diego for the OGC meetings, and must say that this is a quite the place! Pretty easy to navigate (mind you, the fact that my car rental has an onboard GPS navigator don’t hurt), and some nice spots. Once I checked into the hotel, I made my way down to Pacific Beach, which is one of the city’s popular beach areas.
Perhaps the funniest thing is being here around the Holiday Season. Imagine seeing Christmas trees for sale just steps from the beach. Outdoor beach Christmas parties. Being from Toronto, that’s something I’m just not used to. But I’m certainly not complaining. The weather is great here — I could get used to this!
I’ll probably visit downtown sometime this week. As for tomorrow, I’m heading to Tijuana to check out Avenida Revolución. I should have more pics up sometime tomorrow. Adios!
Chad said,
Wrote on December 10, 2006 @ 11:40:34
Was just at Mission Beach yesterday. Was nice there and got some nice pics of the waves (Not here for OGC, gave some World Wind presentations to school kids).
And I agree with the weather, it is nice not having to wear a coat all the time.
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