So November 15 is this year’s GIS Day. I’ll be in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where the first GIS was born. Though I don’t live there anymore, I still try to make it there for GIS Day, and am lucky enough to be there this year as it turns out.
Where will you be and how will you be celebrating GIS Day?
I will be spending GIS Day at work in West Virginia just like everyday, but I will be thinking of the GIS Day Bear (who probably looks a lot like our mascot GEOrge) going around and magically correcting everyones topology. Who needs a bunny with eggs when you have a topology correcting bear I ask you! 🙂
Jesse said,
Wrote on November 8, 2006 @ 00:28:00
I will be spending GIS Day at work in West Virginia just like everyday, but I will be thinking of the GIS Day Bear (who probably looks a lot like our mascot GEOrge) going around and magically correcting everyones topology. Who needs a bunny with eggs when you have a topology correcting bear I ask you! 🙂
Have a VerySpatial GIS Day!
Posted fromMac OS