FOSS4G2006 Day 3
Today’s keynote was interesting in finding out about FOSS4G activities in Asia. Wow, there is and has been quite a bit happening in that region for years. I gave a talk on ResEau this morning, which was well received.
Sitting in Raj Singh‘s presentation on OGC‘s Lightweight Standards Initiatives. Great to see their recognition of simple things like GeoRSS, tiled WMS and WFS basic, however the “not so simple” is just as important.
Assefa, Bart and I gave the OGC and Open Source presentation, which produced a little ‘testbed’ of open source packages supporting OGC and how they play with eachother. I’m looking forward to MapServer exhanced Filter spatial predicates now that geos is integrated.
52 North did a great presentation on OGC SensorWeb and their supporting software. It will be great if/when their native data bindings increased in flexibility. They also mentioned the SensorWeb Alliance, an international group on the use and advancement of SensorWeb.
Catalog/Discovery BOF: great intentions, no time. This went by quick and we started discussing various approaches. I’m worried about things getting too complicated. At the same time, this can’t become too simple that we keep revisiting it in the future for modificiations to the model, etc. The most important part is the content model for data and services. As for protocol, I hope GeoNetwork OpenSource will help with forthcoming CSW ISO profile support.
The evening event was a beautiful boat cruise, and visit / dinner at the Chateau de Chillon. The night concluded (for most people) with drinks and dancing at a local nightclub. Following that, a few of us decided to enjoy the scenery more so we stayed out all night. We were lucky that some places were opening up for breakfast, as we were hungry!
Check out the photos (which will be posted soon) on FOSS4G2006. Also, once we all get back and settled, I’ll update this page with links of the fun night (everyone had a digital camera).
Time for bed.
Mapping Hacks » Blog Archive » Have a nice metadata said,
Wrote on September 18, 2006 @ 17:04:26
[…] This is all reaching out into the future a bit far; though I’d love to be able to show, point to or fully describe, spike-solution implementations of some of these ideas by next year’s FOSS4G. In the meantime, what can people do to help? Come and join in the conversation on the geodata committee, help to anneal the model and offer simple use cases that don’t fit it, check out the progress on the Geodata repository blueprint and emit encouraging signals; offer to host, in the future, a node of a distributed geodata/metadata library and discovery service. Tom Kralidis had an interesting reflection after the metadata/catalog BOF; this could easily become too complicated (more of the overthinking that has dogged the process), yet can’t be reduced to something too simple; what’s in the core has to be expressed well enough that it’s not likely to change. I hope that between all of us who Care A Lot About Metadata, it will be possible to find a good balance; I want to be able to manage an evolving model, ongoingly maintaining mappings to different serialisation formats. I’ve talked about wanting to broker decision process through code, rather than words – to drive interface descriptions from test specifications. Consensus design is a game played by passing, refining the tests on a continuous basis – a code-repository-management-inspired means of maintaining something which works like, but doesn’t look like, a standard. This is a story for another time, though. For me this has been yet another adventure in exploring the boundaries of my own ignorance; the deep specialists I have talked to haven’t shot me down in flames yet. But if I’m missing anything crashingly obvious, or hubristically simplifying anything that I really shouldn’t be, please yell at me. […]
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