Road to Lausanne Begins at YYZ
So I’m sitting here in Terminal one at Pearson International Airport, and quite excited to be commencing the journey to Lausanne for FOSS4G2006.
Checking in was a breeze, thank goodness for electronic check ins! Already I’m starting to feel international; you can just see it from looking at the folks boarding. This is how I felt when I went to Greece last year, and everytime I’ve travelled internationally.
In terms of Wifi access, I signed up with Boingo, which offers $20/month to any supported hotspot worldwide. Not a bad deal, considering who knows where I’ll be with the laptop for the next week or so.
So I’ve already taken some photos, but my transfer cable ended up in my checked-in luggage, so I’ll be sure to upload later. Hopefully there will also be an outlet in my seat on the airplane, as I’d like to post some thoughts about the FOSS4G2006 next week and what I’d like to see develop in the near and long term in our community. Which reminds me, I really should ask about this plug thing at the desk.
Gotta go. Next stop: Zurich en route to Geneva. Check back frequently for news, thoughts, updates and photos from the conference.
Update from Lausanne: I finally got to Lausanne, and they lost my luggage! Lovely. First thoughts. Very nice and beautiful city! And quite expensive ($10 CAD for a drink, $11 CAD for a combo at McDonald’s; no I didn’t eat there, but I checked). Good time to go on a diet 🙂
Ces said,
Wrote on September 10, 2006 @ 13:22:43
Lugano, Tommy!
Posted fromInternet Explorer 6.0 Windows XP