More Statistics
This application takes the user defined selection, then compares it to the mean of the total sample dataset.
The approach is used twice, once in a startup script, once in a menu drop-down item.
This was a time-limited application, so some code may not be as thouroughly thought out.
Open Script
This script opens a new view, named "Eastern Ontario CSDs", loads Eont.shp and Eontcsd.dbf, then joining them, and displaying them in the view window.
The user then selects a field, and whether they want to see records from that field
below or above the average to the view.

Above / Below Mean Queries
Accesses the active view and theme by position, prompts user for a numeric field in the FTab of the theme,
then runs a query to highlight CSDs in the theme for a chosen field below / above the mean, respectively.

This application was designed to work with specific datasets, however the code is as generic
as possible. You may use it as you wish.
October 1999
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